The original breeder or his successor in title may obtain a registered property right for plant varieties which are distinguishable, homogenous, persistent and novel.
A Registration of plant varieties protects the rights of an individual who is first to appreciate the distinctive qualities of a plant and reproduces it asexually (by means other than seeds).
Applying for plant variety certificates
We can advise on applying for plant variety protection in the Czech Republic, EU and overseas and on infringement, validity and licenses granted under such rights.
Plant variety rights
A plant or plant variety right may be obtained in relation to a new botanical genus or species by registration with the appropriate authority. In the Czech Republic, the right is granted under the Plant Varieties Act 1999.
A community plant variety right is obtainable which has effect in all member states of the European Community. This right is granted by the European Plant Variety Office.
We are fully qualified to advise on obtaining, enforcement and exploitation of all forms of Intellectual Property Rights.
In all cases, professional assistance should be obtained to ensure the best protection.